Friday, June 15, 2012

Because I do live a thrilling life worth documenting. Right?

Helloooo...Anyone other than Paige and people who pine after my updates/writing still read this thing?  (which is weird, a tad bit creepy, and all too flattering.  I mean, guys, it's been almost a year.  Desperate much?)

I honestly do enjoy's theraputic (sometimes) and I crack myself up at my oh-so-witty banter with myself.  But seriously, I rarely feel like I have anything worthwhile to post.  As hilarious as it is to me that I keep referring to the piles of tasks that I sometimes receive at work as a "butt-load of paperwork" and how incredibly awesome it was that I just ate an entire pizza and watched a terribly depressing movie on my Friday night alone, I don't feel like that translates well into blogging, nor do you care all that much.

But I could be wrong.  And because the only way some people get updates from me is through this blog (which is also depressing - Paige, our visits cannot be annual.  Jess, we need to skype regularly!), I should and/or could keep this up at least a little bit, right?  I mean, sometimes something awesome happens and you need to know.  Sometimes I can be super theological or I have a new insight into something/God's teaching me something new (or old, and I just have to relearn it again and again.).  I could definitely blog about that!

Or, this could be my blog for the year and you'll hear back from me in another 10-12 months.  We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I still read Dani!! - I creep on you through the side bar on my blog like your "its only stalking if you don't them..." We don't update much anymore either. Its always good to read a recap of the past months though!
