Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I want an inciting event...

I haven't blogged in forever. I'm sorry. Things got away from me...

I stopped reading Ortberg's "The Me I Want to Be" in lieu of Donald Miller's "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" because everyone ranted and raved about it - I had to see for myself.

Love it. Seriously. I think he's dead on in way too many aspects that I am able to go into detail about. But seriously, you should read it. Cause Donald's kinda awesome.

He talks about memories a little later on in the book and why some are more memorable than others. I don't remember why because I haven't thought about this a lot because I just read it last night, but I really liked his explanation of it. (So go read it to find out for yourself!!!)

I want to make more memories. I want to break out of the norm and do something spontaneous that will linger in the recesses of my mind for no other reason for enjoyment and amusement when I look back in 5 years. I want to enjoy life and live it intentionally.

He also talks about conflict. I'll be brief, because I could go much deeper. We love movies where the characters are forced into conflict. They have to fight their way through and end up coming out of it on the other side a changed person. But in real life, we tend to avoid conflict; it's uncomfortable and it's often hard. Who wants that?! But that's what great life stories are made of! Facing conflict and moving forward!

So this got me thinking. I want my future someone (this is the husband we're talking about here) to do just that. I want to join him on his adventures and face our conflicts. I don't want life to be comfortable and easy. I want to embrace life, even when it gets difficult! And I want someone who will plunge headfirst into it - not because he's comfortable with conflict or because he knows what to expect, but because it's just a part of life and great stories (lives) come from facing those conflicts.

In the meantime, I'll chase my adventures by myself (or with friends, if they're willing). So. That being said.... anyone have any ideas? Cross country trip? Backpacking across the west? I'm P90X-ing it up for some major adventure. Please don't leave me hanging...

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