Sunday, July 10, 2011

They're. Everywhere.

Last week, I spent about 5 days camping outside for Cornerstone Music Festival; it was a lot of fun, and HOT. And there were a ton of spiders.

Honestly, I could care less about spiders. Typically, they don't bug me and unless they are larger than a quarter and in the bathroom where I am most exposed, I'll leave them alone. And considering I was OUTSIDE all day during that camping trip, I couldn't really get frustrated. I was in their space, after all.

Apparently, seeing that many spiders left an impression on me though.

Every night since I've been back, I've woken up several times a night thinking about those stupid spiders and how they're probably all over my bed/room/apartment. I'm not freaked out or anything, just incredibly annoyed at the "existence" and "presence" of the spiders. Seriously, go away!!

Needless to say, I haven't slept much the past week. ~sigh~ So here's to hoping that this is a new week and I'll actually be able to sleep like a normal person. Goodnight!

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