Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yes, Gnarls Barkley, that does make you crazy

It's been a while, and a lot has gone on. Makes it hard to actually write. I'll never remember everything...

Panera still hates me, so I kept looking for jobs. And after a month of having no source of income or anything to do (because astonishingly, I got NOTHING accomplished, other than 20-25 applications), I found a job! I'm working full time at a bakery with plenty of overtime. So much overtime, that the weekend can't come quick enough! This week, we made 33,000 dinner rolls, 5,000 flatbread, and 7,000 bread bowls. Ridiculous. I dream about weighing dough now, no joke. This job is an answer to prayer, and a miracle too - I didn't think it would be possible to earn enough money in a matter of weeks to pay my bills for June, and I had said it would take a miracle to do so. God came through though! And I really couldn't be more grateful! Exhausted, but incredibly grateful!

I love the women I work with too - they're so fun and have a great sense of humor. But they are so lost too. Several of them, if not all of them, have a boyfriend/son/husband who was or currently are in prison. Not surprisingly, these imprisoned significant others don't treat these women like they should - doing drugs, verbal abuse, cheating with other women... And even with all of this, the women I work with adore these guys, despite being hurt by them. It's so sad - but I've got plenty to pray about while I work.

Prior to the job, I finished a few books! (Big accomplishment!!) I read Captivating again (good book!), finished Mere Christianity (probably one of my favorites now), and Just Do Something (I highly recommend it!!). I'm now reading Blue Like Jazz again and Redeeming Love. On the list is the book Jordan recommended (can't remember the name, it's too long. But it's in my cell phone!) and Love & Respect. I'm hoping to get all these done before the summer is finished! I'd forgotten how much I love to read!

Things are going better with my roommate too - it's taken a while, but she's becoming more respectful of my sleep time. I'm not ready to give up the ear plugs yet, but at least she's taking her phone calls to China in the living room and not in our bedroom at 2am. That's a huge improvement!

I love reconnecting with friends!! For real, it's amazing to know how much you're cared for (huge hugs when you see someone you haven't seen in a while are amazing!!). Hugs are always very acceptable. :)

Well, it's time to go fix some clothes and blankets. I've got a couple skirts that need to be taken in (yay for losing weight!) and I want to make a cover for my down blanket. Thanks for your sewing machine, mom!!


  1. and you forgot to write that you have the most amazing roommate in the whole wide world. (me :) )
