Saturday, November 22, 2008

Surprise. I feel better now than I've felt in weeks (with the exception of the frustration below). Things that used to make my heart hurt for him no longer have an effect. I honestly cannot tell you what happened. I feel nothing, but I feel free. Explain it any way you want, but I no longer feel secretly cynical. I feel good.


On the flip side, I also feel like crap. It seems (to an outsider) that I have been incredibly irresponsible this week. My dome light drained my battery because my seat belt secretly slipped into my door when I shut it, keeping my door open enough to leave my dome on for 3 days. My phone slipped out of my pocket at the movie theater and I couldn't find it. I have received repercussions for parking in places that were apparently illegal parking spots but weren't marked at all (one was a ticket, the other a tow. wtf, mate?!). And it appears I've developed a nack for slipping through the cracks. Mmm. It's getting rather frustrating and I can't wait to just leave Ames for the week. Frankly, I'm tired of it and could use a break. Not from anyone here (heaven's no!) but from general annoyances and little devils playing, "let's see how far we can push Danielle!" ~sigh~

God's been good throughout though, always giving me a loophole of hope and encouragement and even helping me find lost wrenchs before I realized they were missing (that's an interesting story). I'm hoping that the janitors discover my cell phone tucked into the seat. I'm hoping I can find a little leniency with Butch's (doesn't sound promising, does it? that's where God comes in) and maybe not have to pay the full fee (God knows I can't afford it). But it's all up to Him and I've got to trust He's got this under control.

After all, God is bigger than Butch.

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad to see you're updating again! it's been a long time, and since i don't get the opportunity to talk to you much, it's great to be able to keep up to date with stuff in your life.

    that sucks about the car...and your phone...and your car battery... when it rains, it pours, huh?

    i hope you have a great week off! are you going home or are you doing something else?
