Friday, April 3, 2009


I don't normally type blogs like this (mostly because I don't feel like I have the authority to), but I really liked what a friend said yesterday. (These are also my musings on her quote and are not backed by anything but my thoughts)

I was talking about how I didn't really know where I would be in the next year and how moving somewhere unfamiliar can leave one with so many fears and uncertainties that they would rather just stay where they are than risk failure (especially if they're a planner like I am). Or how someone may not be sure of where God wants them or what His will is for them at this point so they stay.

She passed on a quote from her wise grandmother to me: "God can't move a parked car."

She explained: When we remain where we are because we're paralyzed by fear or we're unsure of where God wants us, we're that parked car. We need to keep moving forward; that way God can direct us to where we need to be. If we're going the wrong direction, He can point us in the right one. If we're on the right path, He can provide us with a peace that assures us we're in His will. But if we remain where we are, unmoving, we can't led.

Of course, there are times God wants us to remain where we are. During those times, we often do not have a feeling an anxiety that prompts us to question where we are in life. But I can't deny the fact that sometimes we still feel a degree of uneasyness. God often tells me to "Wait," or "Be still," when I start feeling antsy with where I am.

But if there's a voice in the back of our minds challenging our reasons for staying where we are or a nagging feeling that God wants us somewhere else, then it may be time to move. We may not know where to go, but once we start moving, God can and will direct us to where He wants us to go.

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how to reconcile the different between our feeling the need to move and God saying "Wait", and that nagging suspicion that we're not where we should be (and not hearing anything from God). Maybe the difference is what we desire and what God desires. When God says, "Wait, not yet," perhaps we're acting on our own desires to move. But when we're feeling called to something greater and are held back by fear or simply not knowing where to start - well, maybe that desire to move was placed in us by God.

Feel Free To Challenge This - It's Something I'm Still Thinking Through Too. I'd Love Feedback!!

1 comment:

  1. deep waters... Good luck as your work through this uncertainty!

