Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gah, I hate it when I have so much I want to blog about but when I sit down, I never remember what it is. Completely frustrating. I'm thinking bullets for this post, yes?

  • "The roommate" is moving out on August 8th, we think. Yess!!!
  • I love it when I am approached repeatedly to play frisbee! At the park, when one friend left (while we were playing), another would come. I played frisbee all freaking night!!!
  • I also love the band Reilly. They're kind of incredible, and may be the soundtrack to my life currently.
  • I am so unfaithful and undeserving. But God blesses me and allows me to bless, and I'm so completely grateful for that! I need to do better. I need to make this relationship top priority, and honestly, this is something that's hard for me-I'm distracted easily. Way way too easily...
  • I adore clean apartments. I have SUCH an appreciate for them now!!!
  • Blue Like Jazz (check) Captivating (check) Love and Respect (in progress and if you EVER plan on being married, this book should be a prerequisite. Incredible. Thanks, Paige, for the recommend) Living Life On Purpose (finally found it yesterday, will be finishing soon) Irresistable Revolution (I'll start it when I receive it from my cousin)
  • It's really hard to see someone disappointed and there's nothing you can do to comfort them. I want to reach out and say something, but there's little I can say or do to remove the feeling of failure. :(
On another note, I feel I have the gift of discernment. I feel like I am able to see when Satan is attacking and see through his lies (for the most part). The really irritating thing is when he uses truth and twists it into lies. Unfortunately for me, Satan feeds me those lies, and when I recognize him working in my friends' lives, I want desperately to grab them and show them what's going on, but I'm afraid I'll either come across as a crazy person (paranoid by demons) or I'll be given the look that says, "Duh! It's kind of obvious, isn't it? Thanks for the 'help'." Either way, the general message is "Don't share!" And, because he always makes things so believable, it's hard not to listen. So, at the risk of sounding crazy or obvious, I'll share.
(PS, I think stress is the same way - Satan distracting us from what really matters. I'm not preaching from a pulpit though - I'm just as guilty and continually fall prey to Satan's traps)

I really suck at Spider Solitaire.

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