Monday, March 28, 2011

'Member that Time?

'Member that time that I went to Olive Garden with Paxton, despite knowing that sometimes I can get very sick off of it? 'Member how after we walked out of the restaurant to the car, I knew something was very VERY wrong?

We didn't get very far before I started panicking and told Pax to stop RIGHT NOW. He protested until he saw my fierceness and stopped in front of Target where I flew into the store and made a mad dash to the bathroom.

Wave after wave of abdominal cramps followed by the worst kind of sickness came over me with no hesitation or pause. And 'member how it was peak shopping time during the weekend and the bathroom was constantly full? Yeah, it's a good thing bathroom turnover is only about 2 minutes because I'm not sure anyone else could have stomached being in there much longer (not to mention no one knew who I was...). And then some lady thought it would be a wonderful idea to bring her cart into the bathroom and park it right in front of my stall!! She didn't stay too long after the next wave.

'Member how Pax finally called me about 30 minutes in to ask if I was ok?

"No. I need you to do two things...."

Eventually, I came out. Very tired. Very pale. Very very very dehydrated.

Is it odd that I still crave to go to Olive Garden, even after this?

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