Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm a blind sheep.

I'm at a loss for where I am.

I've had more "plans" than I can count on both hands, all very legitimate! I've tried short terms and long term missions and different ideas about timing and it seems like at every opportunity, God shuts the door and says, "No." (maybe it's a "not yet", but I haven't gotten there yet.) I've given up on telling anyone what my new plan is because more than likely, if I've thought it out, it's not going to happen.

I don't mean to be cynical about it, honestly. God's got His plan, and I know it's going to surpass in greatness anything I could every possibly come up with even if I had all the time and resources to plan it out. I KNOW His way is best.

I just don't get where He's taking me, why He seems to be leading me away from missions. And maybe it's not missions in general, but how He's going to use me. Maybe He has another ministry in mind besides missions accounting (girls being sold into the sex industry keeps kicking me in the gut). Regardless, whatever He has in mind for me is being withheld from my knowledge right now.

He's leading me somewhere though, that's for sure. When I wasn't looking for a new job but knew I wanted to leave where I currently am, God plopped it down right in my lap and totally blessed me. Like, COMPLETE blessing. I love it. He knew what I wanted and without me nagging and whining (at least I hope I haven't been!), He sets things in motion that - more than anything else - allow me to be more happy/content/satisfied/fulfilled. I'm going to get to serve people!

I guess I just wish I could see where I'm going beyond where God nudges me from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. praying for you danielle.

    did you see that 6yearmed is no longer writing? i am sad.
