Monday, May 23, 2011

'Member That Time?

'Member that time I was riding bikes with my friend down the street and how we were being all cool, patrolling the sidewalk, going back and forth? Her parents came to pick her up in the van (which was silly because she seriously lived a block away) and as they were driving off, I decided to be ULTRA cool and rode my bike one handed while waving with the other hand as I rode alongside the van.

'Member how I made direct contact with the "Dead End" sign at the end of our yard with my front tire and totally crashed?

I figured out what "Dead End" meant pretty quickly.

1 comment:

  1. 'member that time when i was riding my bike down our block's huge sidewalk hill and i thought i heard someone following me so i looked behind me and crashed into a driveway retaining wall completely flipping over the bike and losing my bike seat? and remember how i felt like i was too much of a big girl at like 7 that i couldn't cry about it? and remember how that was the far side away from the house so i put the bike seat floppily back on and then walked it back to my house with all the neighbors giving me weird looks as i passed?

    yeah. that sucked.
