Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Awesome Thursday.

Last Thursday was pretty awesome and I didn't really get to tell you why or what happened. Things got crazy with weddings and sleep (which I should be doing now instead of writing blogs that I will schedule to post later on this week), and blogging slipped away from me. (That's a lie, I've written 3 since Thursday.)

Awesome Thing #1: I saw an old man wearing a business suit driving a big red truck and picking his nose. It made me smile.

Awesome Thing #2: Baby squirrels!!! THEY ARE SO TINY!!!!

Awesome Thing #3: For the second time in less than a week, a bird swooped down in front of my car while I was driving and made direct contact with my grill. No worries though; at least the second bird (possibly the first as well) recovered quickly and flew off as if nothing had happened.

Awesome Thing #4: (This didn't happen THIS PAST Thursday, but did happen on a Thursday and is worth reporting) Jimmy Johns messed up my sandwich so I got a new one and they gave me my money back and on my way back to work from lunch, I saw two doves land and perch on an electrical box.

Awesome Thing #5: Gas prices are falling!!! And unless they spike back up $1.25 in the next week, the prediction that I was told and have been passing a long that gas will be at $5 by Memorial Day will be wrong!!! If it weren't sin, I'd be happy I lied!!!

I REALLY want to say Awesome Thing #6, but I cannot right now. I will tell you soon, but seriously, SO EXCITED. I love love love what my family is doing right now!

On an unrelated-to-Thursday note, I was able to serve a variety of different people A TON all weekend. It was so amazing!! I absolutely adore serving in just about every capacity and I love the strength God gives me to endure and serve without weariness!

(The big question is why can't I have that attitude at Iowa Insulation?)

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