Saturday, March 7, 2009

Feeling random tonight

I'm in the mood to tell an amusing story.

When we lived in Independence, we had a closed stairway that turned at the top and went up about 4 more steps. We (us kids and my dad) had a game: he would stand at the bottom of the steps and throw balls up the stairwell at us as we would jump down off the landing to where he could see us. Essentially, we were target practice and we would get nailed with these balls flying up the stairs. We were idiots. Maybe this explains a few things about why we're the way we are.

I had the chance to hang out with my siblings yesterday. Shane's coming up to ISU on Thursday so we can figure some stuff out for him (he's attending in the fall!) and we're going to play frisbee on central campus with Jess' husband too. It's going to be amazing. Anyway, Jess and Shane were talking about how I'm a completely different person when I play frisbee, and Shane, mimicking me, throws a Hercules pose (squats and points in the distance) and yells, "Throw the frisbee over there!!!" Nice. Thanks Shane. :)

My jam packed day just became less jam packed! My cousin, realizing just how tired she was, decided that maybe we shouldn't go out tonight (considering tomorrow is Daylight Savings Time and we lose an hour). Agreed! So I'm watching the newly spayed Panther (complete with neck-cone!) for her, and chilling out with Perspectives. Should be a good night. :)

1 comment:

  1. testing, testing 1 2 3

    I like reading your blogs. I picture you saying what you write and its a lot of fun.
